Rachel Tiep Daniels' new venture (apart from a stellar job at Blue Sky Studios, and her Picture Book Project Foundation) in helping out others in need is Art Blocks for Ghana. Here is a Start to Finish on my submission...Her concept for these pieces was simply enough, "home." Since my family life has so much of the gaming world in it these days, I wondered what adolescent critter would really cause a pain in the butt by bringing in a contemporary, whole new game room to its own, "home?"
The pencils are always layers of tracing paper, rough, and very ugly!

But thanks to my iPad, I'm not pinned down to a lightbox anymore. I take an initial scan/pic of an approximate pencil I like, and then layer and layer these things until I'm somewhat happy.

A bit more from the iPad, then I printed out a piece.

But the print, in a much lighter version, gave me a chance to put a template over which to trace over the piece with a sheet of graphite transfer paper below...giving me a nice beginning linework directly on the 10" X 10" block.

...Seen below.

One pass with acrylics.

and the help of some pens, pencils and additional smudges. Finished piece also here and up for auction, see Rachel's blog for details.

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