In this Art Block for Ghana contribution, I wanted to completely sculpt something as if it were coming out of the block itself, sort of carved into the front of it...
Using an iPad for the initial sketch to get it out of my head...this was a crude way to get me thinking of dimensions, amount of Sculpey needed, and/or how much wire-frame might be needed to get made (not very much I found).

In flipping a 12" X 12" art block over, this one gave me a lot of room to create a flat surface (to be the grassy sides) that then have a dip into a pool of mud. I started creating the pig, not sure how fat he needed to be at first.

But eventually, after placement of the legs, I knew I had to widen his girth to justify where the hip hinges lie and from where his knees emerge. A tiny wire was used to emulate a drip from his left hoof, but was covered by Sculpey to give the impression of thick mud dripping down to the surface. It also served as a small support of the leg.

Found some molding paste and mixed it in with various shades of green to create the texture and feel of grass around the sides. Some angles and close-ups.

these art blocks are awesome trip! I saw your original one of the kangaroos when i was at the bluesky opening for culturefix. I love these 3d ones, such a great idea. I wish i did something so creative for my blocks haha. Will you be attending the event in nyc on the 26th?
Hey Issac, that bluesky night seemed like a blast! I am planning on being up in the NYC area next week and am looking forward to going on the 26th too - it'd be great to see you there. Thanks for your kind words. TP
I think rachel is making name tags for us to wear so we can figure out who everyone is haha, I definitely want to meet everyone.
Great, I need nametags - I even forget my own kids' names every now and again! TP
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