With all due apologies to Dreamworks and their fantastic work on this great feature, I was asked to do an editorial piece for Independent Lawyer magazine regarding the legal suit over the rights to the Panda characters. While the concepts started brewing, see below, this one (below) was the final piece...

I wanted to explore a bit on where this could go conceptually, and while I liked the guy in the panda "suit" with his Disney-character-type-head removed and under his arm accusingly pointing at the real Panda, Po (accompanied by a disgruntled, disapprovingly-expressioned attorney), it didn't win out. There were a couple more thoughts from the iPad below, but in the end I asked what the headline was they wanted to go with, and the art director said, "Pandamonium..."

...the wrestling ring concept then made perfect sense.

Appreciated, Chris! TP
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